Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Council Meeting - July 21, 2015

Work Session
We discussed items for the City Council meeting. My notes are with each item below.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Nobody signed up.

Consent Agenda
The minutes from the June 16th Council meeting were approved. The following poll workers were approved for the municipal election: Nicholas Banks, Glenn Dodge, Roberta Dodge.

City Reports
David Bunker - No TSSD meeting this month. Staff met with Principal Bromley to see how we can work together on programs for the youth. Looking at things like chess and robotics. Also talked about having sports teams offer summer classes for the youth in the community. Teen flag football starting this fall. Elementary flag football will also be starting. Soccer sign-ups are still open. Worked out agreement with Stars United to use Mesquite Park. They will do some service for us and will pay a fee.

CM Rees - I'm still working on the State of the City. I sent an email last week to the Council with all of the suggested topics and requested feedback. Asked Council to let me know if there are other items we should address. Cultural Arts Committee sent their org chart and budget for FY2016 and I've sent that to the Council as well. It includes a date night event in September, a Winterfest in January, the Arts Festival in June, a community theater production, the annual summer concert series, and supplies.

Mayor Gygi - MAG won't be meeting until August. None of his other committees have met, other than Golf Course Finance Committee. These meetings will be noticed and open. Next one will be August 6th at 8pm.

CM Geddes - Utah Valley Dispatch opened bids for new building. All bids were much higher than expected. Committee will meet on August 13th to discuss potential cost cutting options. They may have to ask cities for more money and we will have to make a decision then. Parks & Trails committee discussing roundabout beautification and Bayhill Park. Community breakfast will be August 15th at 9:00am.

CM Crawley - Golf Course Committee appointed Rick Stewart as chair. Will look at ways to improve golf course and then look at alternatives to see if anything compares to continuing as is.

Review/Action on Intent to Boundary Adjust Wilson & Day Properties
The city has received two requests to initiate an Adjustment of a Common Municipal Boundary forms; Brent & Neva Wilson, and Gina & Scott Day. The Day property is located at 4495 N 900 W; and the Wilson property is located at 4547 N 900 W. The Day’s and Wilson’s are requesting that their properties be transferred from the municipal jurisdiction of Pleasant Grove City to the City of Cedar Hills. The Day’s and Wilson’s have also completed and filed a request to initiate with Pleasant Grove City.

Both families are on a septic system and want to boundary adjust to have access to our sewer system. The Day's had a septic tank failure and had to connect to a sewer line. We allowed her to connect to the Cedar Hills line with the understanding she would request an adjustment into Cedar Hills. Pleasant Grove will have to approve this as well as Cedar Hills. Staff will contact the City Manager of PG to see where they are in this process. This was approved.

Review/Action on Fireworks East of Canyon Road
Due to fire conditions as assessed by the Lone Peak Public Safety District under the jurisdiction of the Fire Chief Brad Freeman, the fire marshal Ben Bailey has issued fireworks and open fire restrictions for all areas east of Canyon Road within the city limits of Cedar Hills. A resolution has been prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Lone Peak Fire Chief that fireworks of all types including aerial and non-aerial and open fires of any type shall be prohibited east of Canyon Road within the city limits of Cedar Hills. Also, this year during the 4th of July celebrations and also last year the City identified one location for residents who live in restricted areas to gather to celebrate with legal fireworks. The location selected has been Mesquite Park. Recently the city received a complaint regarding this location from a neighbor regarding the concentrated use of the park for fireworks. City staff including the public works department, recreation department, and fire chief met to discuss the continued use of the park as a location for fireworks display. For the remainder of the fireworks season, it is the recommendation from the various departments that the park continue to be used as a location for the discharge of fireworks. However, modifications to the areas used in the park will be addressed. Public works will designate a safe zone a minimum of 125 feet north of the southern fence line where firework discharge will not be allowed. This safe zone will be identified with signage and cones. Following the evening, public works will clean up any remaining debris from the park and will offer this service to any home that abuts the park. Public Works staff will be made available for clean-up on Saturday. The resident who complained has been made aware of this suggestion. I asked that we evaluate how the buffer zone works and if it doesn't, we may need to re-evaluate whether or not we can designate an area for fireworks. This was approved.

Discussion on Restricted Access at Heiselt’s Hollow and Bayhill
As discussed in the June 16, 2015 city council meeting, modifications to Heiselts Hollow Drive and Bayhill Drive have been installed to limit access beyond the end of pavement of the public roadway. Access still exists at the end of Bayhill Drive for the contractor who will be installing public improvements to install said improvements. The contractor is now starting construction on that project. Heiselts Hollow access is restricted with a gate which allows public safety personnel, water district personnel and municipal access in addition to authorized entry. Several concerns have been identified with continued public access to the terminated street. In addition to the efforts to curb illegal firearms discharge within city limits, fire dangers associated with firearms discharge, and the proliferation of garbage in the area, public works has identified several other concerns including storm water issues, traffic issues, damage to facilities, etc. Here is the list of concerns Public Works identified:

A) Collection of City street storm water on Heiselt’s Hollow Drive carries silt into the inlet boxes and eventually into the North Avanyu retention basin. This dirt is carried onto the street by vehicles accessing the dirt road above the gate. This has been an ongoing problem and violates the City Storm Water Management Plan. The City expends additional equipment hours and manpower to maintain the street and storm sewer system. 

B) Residents living on Heiselt’s Hollow Drive have complained multiple times about the mud tracked onto the street and then into their driveways. According to city ordinance 6-1-3 "It shall be unlawful to place or spill without immediately cleaning up any material or debris on a public street or sidewalk. It shall also be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to track mud or dirt onto a public street."

C) Residences complain about the speed of traffic accessing the hill side.

D) Vehicles using the water tank access road have caused excessive erosion to the road. Staff has provided some measure of restoration and received contractor bids to complete a more extensive repair.

E) Erosion of the access road has caused storm water to flow away from the natural drainage and poses potential flooding of homes in the area. Technicians have been called by concerned residents and they have performed work to divert the water onto Heiselt’s Hollow and into the storm drain. Again, this places mud on the street and silt into the drain system.

F) PW Technicians have been assigned repeatedly to remove trash dumped on the hillside. Those illegally dumping have been using the access on Heiselt’s Hollow.

G) People using the access on Heiselt’s Hollow have been building fires in areas of extreme fire hazard.

H) Vehicle access has damaged the City Bonneville Shore Line Trail.

I) Vehicle access has potentially compromised the aqueduct paralleling the Bonneville shoreline trail.

J) Citizen complaints concerning shooting firearms in the City limits.

K) Complaints concerning the limited parking, on Heiselt’s Hollow, to access the Bonneville shoreline trail.

L) Complaints from S.L. Metro water that the City permits vehicle access to the aqueduct access road.

M) Discussions with the Forest Service requesting that we do not permit vehicle access in the undeveloped part of the City. This access hinders their efforts to protect the forest service property from vehicle damage.

Jeff Maag (Public Works Director) presented this info. The gate at Heiselt's Hollow allows for ATV and motorcycle access. The gate was provided and installed by Metropolitan Water Association. They don't want access on the shoreline trail that could damage the aqueduct. Stated that anyone going through the private property is considered trespassing.  

Discussion on Traffic Control at 4600 West and Harvey Blvd

Public Comment:
Mr. Curtis - Appreciates time of Mr. Bunker and Mayor Gygi in discussing options. They made a proposal for alterations of fence and a possible chicane. Preferred option is less cost to taxpayers, which is a four-way stop. Realizes this is a collector road; however, until street goes further west across North County Blvd, feels a four-way stop will work and will be a solution until road goes through to Highland. Feels four-way stop is more cost-effective and fixes safety concerns. Will work with the city on whatever decision is made.

Due to concerns residents have raised regarding traffic safety at the intersection of 4600 West and
Harvey Blvd, specifically sight distance and safety concerns, the City has considered various alternatives to modify the intersection. Hales Engineering presented an option for a roundabout installation earlier this year. However, the costs were deemed prohibitive. Mr. Hales also discussed the viability of a four way stop. Due to the disproportionate flow of current traffic volumes through the intersection from east to west, the projected average daily traffic demands, intersection traffic control via a four way stop was considered ill-advised and would not meet the design objectives of the collector roadway. Another option recently discussed would be to modify the location of the stop sign, reduce the height of the fence in the Temple Ridge development to increase sight distance and install a traffic calming device to reduce speeds on Harvey Blvd. The preferred traffic calming device for this location is proposed to be a chicane or also known as a choker. Residents from Temple Ridge have been involved with the City in preliminary discussions and have been invited to participate in a discussion with the city council.

Here is an example of what it would look like:

Here are the anticipated costs:

Mr. Bunker has spoken with residents from Temple Shadows about reducing height of their fence. At this time they also discussed the chicane as a way to reduce speed on Harvey. An advantage for these residents is that it also gives them a pedestrian access point right across from the chapel they utilize, instead of going to the intersection and coming back. Preference of those at Temple Shadows is a four-way stop at the intersection. I asked why staff prefers the chicane and Mr. Bunker stated that statistics show that four-way stops on roads like this aren't as safe. Drivers tend to not stop as they recognize there isn't a lot of traffic coming from opposite direction and also speed up to make up time for stopping. Feels it will cause a backlog for traffic going to Deerfield. Mr. Curtis isn't convinced that there will be a backlog of traffic or that people won't stop at the sign. He drives this every day. Because the city will bear the cost of the chicane and also agreed to replace the fence of Temple Shadows to fix visibility issues, the residents of Temple Shadows feel the four-way stop makes more sense because of cost. CM Geddes understands the concerns as he lives near that area. Hasn't heard of accidents or other issues at the intersection. There are other ways for residents in that area outside of Temple Shadows to get out of the neighborhoods going west instead of that intersection. Suggested we try a 6-month period of a four-way stop to see how it works. CM Augustus feels we need to trust the professionals as we don't know traffic. Having a trial period means drivers are having to be re-trained on using the intersection if it doesn't work. 

Discussion on Signs at Roundabout
Staff has been asked to prepare a discussion on signage in the public right-of-ways. Currently, staff uses the round-a-bout located at 4600 N Cedar Hills Dr to inform residents of the various programs, activities, and events that are happening throughout the community. There was a period when staff was asked to not place signage in the round-a-bout, as a result, recreational activities saw 15-30% declines in participation rates. This decrease in participation revenue totaled over $9,000. Any proposed change to the sign ordinance would need to go through the Planning Commission for review/recommendation as it is in Title 10 of City Code and is considered a land use issue.

Mr. Goodwin presented. Stated 10-25-4b gives an exemption for government use. Code states "Exempt: Signage dedicated for government use including traffic signs, traffic lights, street signs, directional signs, public safety signs and related signage shall be exempt from the prohibition against signage in any public right of way." City uses public land as a way to get the word out regarding city events. He met with Greg Gordon (Community Services Director) to discuss impact of not having signs at roundabout. For a year we did move the signs to the sides of the roundabout and saw a decrease in participation in recreation events. Wants feedback from Council on where to go. 

Mr. Shaw (legal counsel) states that the current ordinance does not allow for recreation and festival type signage. It could be fixed, but we are currently not in compliance with our ordinance. CM Geddes would like to see a more uniform sign so that sleeves stay in the roundabout and the sign can just change. Staff is discussing if there is a way to make signs nicer looking. CM Crawley disagrees that there is a problem with the signs. 

There are several options to consider. Looking at other locations (Heritage Park, Canyon Road, fire dept, etc.) but staff feels these areas aren't as noticeable as the roundabout. I suggested finding a compromise of some sort, whether that be limiting the number events per year or the time frame with a required period of time in between with no signs. This has to go the Planning Commission. A public hearing will be held during the August Planning Commission meeting. They will make a recommendation to the Council.

Discussion on St. Andrews Estates Property
A discussion regarding the current and possible future zoning of St. Andrews Estates would be beneficial for planning purposes. Currently the proposed 22 lot residential subdivision is zoned H-1 residential. Future uses could include residential or possibly commercial aspects. If the Council has interest to investigate the use of the property for commercial purposes, it is recommended that a preliminary plan be developed that would address zoning and land use.  The process to explore possible change of use and re-zoning would include appropriate council discussion and planning commission involvement.

Mayor Gygi feels we should talk with real estate professionals about what the best use of the land is. I am opposed to commercial development here. Our General Plan clearly indicates that we intended for the commercial zone to be in a central location, where it currently exists. This area was reconfigured with the intent of residential lots and is surrounded by residential communities. I feel our current plan keeps the small town feel of having commercial concentrated in one location.

Discussion on Roles and Duties of Mayor, City Council, and City Manager
Councilmember Crawley has asked that a discussion be held regarding the roles and duties of the
Mayor, City Council and City Manager. Mr. Shaw presented. Cedar Hills has a six-member Council form of government. In state code, the Mayor serves as the CEO of the city. In city code, the city manager is the Chief Administrative Officer. Mayor chairs meetings, sets the agenda of the meetings, and responsible for hiring and firing of city manager with advice and consent of the City Council. City Manager reports to the Mayor, but to do those things approved by the City Council. Day to day administrative functions fall to the city manager. He directs staff. City code gives specific responsibilities to the city manager. City Council is responsible for setting broad policies, ordinances, resolution, and anything regulatory in nature. Should not get involved in the management of day-to-day affairs. Council should give direction through the mayor, which then goes to the city manager. Feels the analysis given by Eric Johnson aligns with what Kirton McConkie is presenting. Council may want to enact some protocols for how these things are handled to avoid chaos.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Council Meeting - July 7, 2015

Work Session
We discussed items on the agenda and my notes are part of those items below. David and Gary met with residents from Temple Shadows regarding the intersection at Harvey Blvd and 4600 W. The HOA has ideas on ways to resolve the issues regarding visibility and will be presenting those to the Council at a future date. City recommended reducing the height of portions of the fence at that intersection and removing some of the trees that affect visibility. They are open to that, but would also like to discuss a possible four-way stop at that intersection. They understand that, if Harvey ever connects through Highland, then this may no longer be an option for that intersection. Staff will include preliminary cost estimates for all options presented to the Council.

There was a fire near Timpanogos Cove Park, but no details are available at this time as the fire chief was not in attendance. The suggestion was made that we utilize the Parlant phone system to notify residents that no fireworks are allowed east of Canyon Road.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Andrew Jackson – Executive Director for MAG. Has known Mayor Gygi for a number of years. Has worked with all mayors of Cedar Hills going back 20 years. Mayor Gygi is on MAG’s executive board and transportation committee. One of 40 mayors that sit on executive board. He’s known him to be a fair and honest person and always had the interests of the city. Related a story about Mayor Gygi that was told at a Council of Governments meeting. County Commissioners and Mayors attend this meeting.

Charelle Hagen – Appreciates the work of those on the Council. She served in the past and knows it is a lot of thankless hours. Mayor has taken a lot of heat on AF Canyon issue. While she doesn’t agree with those who support Snowbird, she also doesn’t support the personal attacks. Everyone can do a better job with transparency. As the Mayor, he needs to represent what residents want and be the voice of residents. Problem she has with AFC Vision group was that it felt it was a project only to benefit Snowbird. Fully supports looking at impact that population growth will have on the Canyon, but looking at impact Snowbird will have is a separate issue. Any committee that is to preserve and protect the Canyon can’t look at what can be added to the Canyon, but want to protect what is there. Does not want Snowbird in the Canyon.

Aimee Augustus – Hopes the Council will protect the Canyon. There are enough ski resorts. None of us know what future plans Snowbird has. Also hopes that the Mayor will remove himself from any committees or discussions regarding AF Canyon. Feels he needs to make amends with residents and he isn’t trusted any more. Anyone who has benefited from Snowbird shouldn’t represent residents.

Brent Swanivelt – Has lived in Cedar Hills for 17 years. He also works for UDOT. He served on the AFC Vision committee. He is concerned about Snowbird’s proposal for a land swap. He is against further development in the Canyon. The purpose of the study was to get opinions of the public and had just started to do that. He doesn’t agree with Mayor Gygi’s views of Snowbird, but doesn’t feel Mayor Gygi had any personal gains from his position. He commends Mayor Gygi for being an active member of the committee.

City Reports
David Bunker – Intermountain Farmers have been doing some educational classes at the community center but nobody has shown up. They are going to cancel rest of events and reschedule next year. Lacrosse and karate going well. Attendance is down a bit for summer session of karate. Golf numbers were good and budget numbers were met. Public Works crews have done some work on water system and have encountered several rattlesnakes. Most are in the townhomes area.

CM Rees – The Planning Commission met twice last month. The first meeting was cancelled as a quorum was not present. However, there were several residents in attendance as they received a notice regarding the rezoning that was up for discussion. Chandler explained the purpose of rezoning those portions from the R20,000 to R15,000 zone and reassured residents that animal rights will be addressed so those with those rights now will not be negatively affected. I was unable to attend the second meeting, which was focused on changes to the Design Guidelines, but Chandler was there and provided an update. The Arts Committee feels HONK was a success and is now working on the summer concert series. They will have a proposed budget and committee assignments presented at the next Council meeting. I am working on the State of the City and plan on it being available in September as has been done in the past. This year it will be sent electronically. The Family Festival chair reached out to me and stated they are aware of concerns expressed by residents who live behind Heritage Park. They will reach out to those residents before the festival next year and will let the carnival company know that take down cannot take place any later than 11pm. I received an email from a resident who expressed concern regarding fireworks at Mesquite Park. She lives near the park and her yard is being littered with firework debris and other trash. She requests that we find another location that is not near homes so that these residents aren’t affected.

CM Zappala – Read the following statement:
When I moved to Cedar Hills in 2005, our city had a bad reputation. People would ask, “why are you moving there? They have so many scandals, they can’t seem to run a city well!” Yet as we began to live in Cedar Hills, we found the truth to be the opposite. True, the city had made an unwise purchase of a golf course, but since that time the city had been managing its finances well, had beautiful parks and trails, mountain views, great recreation opportunities, and wonderful people. We discovered there were a few residents who had not been able to get their way politically, so they chose to fight their battles through the press. They sold scandal, and the press was eager to publish the scandal and allegations, no matter how baseless.

As the years have passed, councils and mayors have worked diligently to repair the city’s reputation. In my own time on the council, we have taken a number of steps to help improve the reputation of the city. These include the Cedar Hills Champion program, outreach from the mayor to other cities and his service on regional boards, good relations with the press, tireless efforts to provide increased communication and transparency, an exceptionally maintained golf course, an amazing family festival committee, and well-attended community events. Our city has begun to put past divisions behind us and concentrate on a positive vision and image.

Unfortunately, events of the past year are threatening to tarnish our image again. It is no secret now that there has been an ongoing feud between two council members and our mayor that has become far too personal and petty. What started as a reasonable disagreement over the role of the mayor has become contentious and bitter. Too often, this has affected city business and public meetings have been acrimonious. Too often, this has spilled into online forums and Facebook pages. Too often residents have been pulled into the arguments. This needs to stop.

When you make an accusation in a public forum, you may think you are right. You may even be right. It doesn’t matter. All the public sees is fighting among elected officials. They call a pox on both houses and blame you both. You have not won. You have tarnished your reputation and you have tarnished the city’s reputation. Sadly, you have discouraged civic-minded residents from running for public office, because they don’t want to get trapped in the mess that they see.

I think I represent the will of our residents when I say “enough is enough”. The contention and the fighting needs to stop. We need to focus on what matters most.

I will not personally put up with contention in this or any future council meetings. I will ask those who are arguing to call a recess, step outside, settle their differences, and come back when they are ready. If they are unable to avoid contention on an item we discuss, I will vote to table the issue.

I ask the council to unite with me in calling for civility, respect, and good public relations for our fine city.

Mayor Gygi – LPPSD cancelled their meeting in July. MAG also cancelled their meeting.

CM Geddes – Exciting things are happening with Utah Valley Dispatch. The current office located in Spanish Fork is small and cramped. Bids for the new building will be going out soon. Our city had about 248 calls to 911 last month. New building will provide for better dispatch.

CM Crawley – Agrees with most of what was said by Daniel. The fault is on both sides. Feels there was an intentional dig at certain people. Agrees that things should be civil. There was a fire near Timp Cove Park and we will use Parlant system to get the word out about fireworks restrictions. Has been focusing on different options for the golf course. He has found an alternative he feels makes sense and would like to discuss.

CM Augustus – Agrees with CM Crawley. Feels that this goes both ways. No updates from North Pointe Solid Waste. General Plan Committee is doing some research.

Review/Action on Resolution Regarding AF Canyon
Public Comment:
Paul Sorenson – Sent a letter to Mayor and Council. Read his letter tonight. Mountain Accord and AFC Vision are looking at a land swap for Snowbird. Most Cedar Hills City council members and County officials were unaware of what was occurring. Exception is Mayor Gygi, who was aware. Concern is lack of communication and transparency from Mayor Gygi, and his not disclosing gifts received from Snowbird. Appears Utah County cities are in agreement to oppose land swap. Feels trust with Mayor Gygi has been compromised. Would like Mayor’s role with AFC Vision to be replaced with a council member.

Angela Johnson – Does not support the land swap and wants to keep AF Canyon as is. She asked for feedback on a Facebook page and read some of the comments. Said there were over 100 comments on that thread. All were opposed to the land swap. Wants to preserve the Canyon.

Ken Cromar – Was at a meeting of AFC Vision. Found it interesting that public comment had an impact on the group. Wanted to know how it got this far without public knowledge. Decision was made to give Snowbird their $50,000 donation back. He asked if anyone on the committee had received campaign contributions from Snowbird. Commissioner Ellertson said he had received campaign contributions. At a meeting held at American Fork High School a resident said nobody who had received compensation from Snowbird should be on the committee. Mayor Gygi came up to the front and did not state he had received anything. Found out that Mayor Gygi has received helicopter rides and other things from Snowbird. Wants to know what all Mayor Gygi has received from Snowbird and wants him to step down from those discussions.

Dave Fields – VP of Resort Operations from Snowbird. Snowbird cannot build condos or hotels on land. They protect water and resources in the Canyon. Partnered with others to clean up the Canyon from old mines. Snowbird is interested in an open process and will continue to be open moving forward.

Mayor Gygi spoke. When Mr. Cromar asked if he had received any campaign contributions from Snowbird and he honestly answered no. He has been working on this project for approximately 18 months. Was told by former mayor to reach out to Snowbird to find out their plans. Mayor reached out to Marisa Wright and she put him in touch with Snowbird. He, Marisa, and Stephanie Martinez met with Snowbird. Understood what they wanted to do and felt there should be a process. Met with MAG and discussed creating a steering committee to discuss this and other canyon issues. Recognized that money would be needed for the committee and asked the State Legislature for the funds. Was given $100,000. Created steering committee and invited UDOT, Utah County, every Utah County mayor, Sundance, Snowbird, Forest Services, Parks Service, and others. Purpose was to do research of Canyon issues. He told the Council and has emails to prove he made the Council aware. What he didn’t know, and nobody in Utah County knew, was that Mountain Accord was working on a land swap that involved AF Canyon. That changed everything. Has advocated to Mountain Accord that they should have Utah County representation on their committee. In this process, he feels he’s been trying to do what is best for Cedar Hills and the County. The closest he came to advocating for Snowbird was speaking of their proposed gondola to the State Legislature. He has never advocated for Snowbird or Save Our Canyons, both of whom have proposals for the canyon. In a free society, everyone has rights. Feels everyone should have a right to speak their minds. Mountain Accord has been working for seven years and AFC Vision just got started. They weren’t in a position to make any recommendations. He feels he was being fair in advocating for the process. He went to three events with Snowbird. He ran it through the city attorney and was told that as long as the dinner was less than $50 then he is fine. Feels he was compliant with that. He also disclosed the helicopter ride, but forgot to mention it at the American High School meeting. Answered every question that was asked that night. We can always do things better. He wanted to correct a few things stated in public comment. Has told AFC Vision that his marching orders come from the residents of Cedar Hills and will do what they want. He contacted the Preserve & Protect group and made them aware of this.

Councilmember Augustus requested that the City Council consider a Resolution pertaining to the
Environmental Stewardship of American Fork Canyon. CM Augustus discussed his resolution. It is non-binding, but a good faith effort to show we are taking the issue seriously. Based it on the resolution passed by American Fork city, but made his own changes. CM Augustus read his resolution. He then proposed a few changes. On item #10, changed to the City Council asking the mayor to voluntarily remove himself from any associated boards and committees. #11 would read that any representative would be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.

CM Geddes thanked everyone who showed up tonight. He loves recreation. He feels AF Canyon should stay the way it is. Snowbird doesn’t need any more land. They’ve done a good job with the land the own, but don’t need more. He disagrees with a few of the points of the resolution. One is the Snowbird ski bus that our recreation department holds each year. This benefits the youth in our community and eliminating that bus hurts those kids who utilize this program. Opposed to the directive against the mayor. He believes what the mayor has said and anything directly pointed at Mayor Gygi is uncalled for. Supports a resolution, though acknowledges it is non-binding and all we can do is encourage. Thanks CM Augustus for his work and his time in putting the resolution together.

CM Crawley believes the resolution is important to pass. Issues with mayor aren’t the crucial points of the resolution. He never heard about the helicopter ride until last week via social media. There are some issues that stem from difference opinions they have. Number one stakeholder is the people. Told Mayor Gygi he should be posting about these meetings. Feels there has been an air of secrecy and has encouraged Mayor Gygi to tell the residents. Isn’t angry with Mayor Gygi, but feels transparency is an issue. Wants to see more of it in the future. Feels Mayor hasn’t represented residents in this. CM Crawley asked the Snowbird representative how long Snowbird has been discussing the land swap. Representative deferred to Bob Bonar as he hasn’t been part of those meetings. Land swap wasn’t part of original Mountain Accord process. As their individual committees presented their proposals to the executive committee of Mountain Accord, and that is when the land swap was discussed. CM Crawley asked Mayor Gygi how many times he met with Bob Bonar, and Mayor Gygi said they met alone one time before the AFC Committee was formed. He feels Mayor Gygi has been more supportive of Snowbird than residents want him to be.

I expressed similar concerns that CM Geddes expressed. I don’t feel that stopping the ski bus does anything but hurt our youth who want to participate in this program and it is something that many other cities do as well. I also feel that we, as a community, need to come together in opposition to the land swap and having language that is accusatory or inflammatory doesn’t help that cause.

CM Zappala – He supports the process we’d like to have with the Canyon. Residents are nearly unanimous in preserving the Canyon and the Council is also unanimous in this. Council wants an open process and open meetings with minutes. The resolution as presented by CM Augustus is too divisive and inflammatory and feels we spend too much time fighting and finger pointing instead of discussing the actual concern of the land swap.

CM Augustus – He made a motion to accept the resolution with the following changes - #10 to ask mayor to voluntarily remove himself from any committees regarding AF Canyon. He is willing to strike #11 and #12.

CM Zappala expressed concerns he still has with the main body of the resolution. Some of these include the requirement for any representative who has voting rights to first come back to the Council before voting, and also that there is no discussion of changing the zoning guidelines in the Canyon.

Council voted 3-2 against the resolution presented by CM Augustus.

CM Zappala then read his resolution, which includes many of the same points but adds some and removes divisive language. You can view his resolution on his blog at http://cedarhillsblog.org/american-fork-canyon-resolution/

CM Geddes feels this resolution is more palatable and informed us that the County did pass their resolution today.

CM Augustus still wants #10 incorporated.
Council voted 4-1 in favor of CM Zappala’s resolution.

Review/Action to Award Contract for Street Work
This project involves the streets of Sage Vista and Morgan. There will be milling of the gutter line and doing an overlay of the street. Several bids were received and Kilgore was the lowest bidder. The City has received qualified bids for the 2015 Asphalt Leveling, Edge Mill and Overlay Project. The apparent low bidder is Kilgore Companies with a low bid of approximately $85,580. The contract being used is our standard contract but still needs legal approval. Door notices will be placed on affected households, and a notice will go on the city’s website and in the newsletter. This work will be done in stages. Work will be done by middle of October but do not yet have a start date. CM Geddes recused himself as he has hired Kilgore to work on his project. This was approved.

Review/Action on Food Trucks
As a follow up to the 6/16/2015 City Council meeting, staff has met with Tom Karen, a food truck owner to develop a plan for a food truck rally that would take effect beginning 7/23/2015. According to the proposal, starting Thursday nights from 5:00-9:00, Heritage Park will begin hosting a food truck rally, consisting of 4-5 food truck options. The rally will be coordinated by Tom Karen, who will schedule the food trucks that will be participating each week. Other cities operate in this same fashion where the food truck vendors coordinate nights and govern themselves. Food trucks will be responsible for set-up, clean-up, and maintenance of adjacent park areas. Additionally, each vendor will be required to set up a Cedar Hills business license, and show proof of a Utah County Health Permit. Staff is proposing that Cedar Hills follow this model that has worked in other cities, and evaluate how it is working for Cedar Hills. Following an evaluation, City Code may be modified to allow for food trucks to operate under the guidelines approved by the City. Staff proposes that the trial period last through September. There will be a proposal at the next City Council meeting to modify city code, which currently restricts the parking of vehicles for sales. Chandler will also follow up with other cities to find out what has worked and what hasn’t. Discussion was held and food trucks do need to be on a flat surface, so the parking lot of Heritage Park would be where the food trucks need to be parked. Food truck season will be April through September. This was approved.

Review/Action on Subdivision Improvements for Bridgestone Plat C
Perry Homes has requested the acceptance of the public improvements construction and the release of the performance guarantee related to “Bridgestone Plat C”, except that portion to be held as the durability retainer.  The requested release amounts equal $208,005.69 and $6000.00 for a total of $214,005.69. The durability retainer amounts equal $41,601.14 and $1200.00 for a total of $42,801.14. Staff has done the inspection and recommends the release of the performance guarantee. This was approved.

Discussion on Fireworks
Fire Marshal Bailey stated that the Fire Chief wants to restrict all fireworks east of Canyon Road. This will need to come before the Council at the next meeting (July 21st). I also requested that staff look at a new location as opposed to Mesquite Park for fireworks (see email above in my city report from resident).