Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Council Meeting - December 7, 2016

Work Session

Discussion on AF Canyon Water Quality Issues
I missed the first half of the presentation, but the slides will be emailed to us and I will post the presentation here when we have it. The presentation was done by a representative from the Division of Water Quality. My notes from the second half:

Reviewed sediment and water samples. Looked for dissolved metals, total metals, turbidity, and suspended solids. Water turbidity levels were higher below dam, Cave Camp Springs, and mouth of the Canyon, but declined as time went on. Study results led them to believe there was no risk for recreational purposes. No water chemistry values exceeded for irrigation purposes. Sediment metals sampling results show that for recreational purposes it was mostly fine, but two sites had higher levels of risk for lead exposure. When looking at aquatic life levels, all levels demonstrated higher risk for aquatic life. As you go downstream the concentrations rise significantly. Feels heavy metals didn't exceed screening values for recreation, agricultural, or aquatic life uses. Levels of lead in sediment sometimes exceeded the human recreational heath screening levels.

Notice of Violation was issue to North Utah County Water Conservancy District on 9/28/16. District will be responsible for the cost of the investigation and the settlement will include a penalty. District will be responsible to determine the damage to stream and will be required to formulate a plan for restoration and monitoring.

Monitoring plan will be in place for 5 years. Will include survey of macroinvertebrates and fish up and downstream of dam, tissue samples of fish, water and sediment samples, etc. On Snowbird expansion, DWQ has required a monitoring plan including water metals sampling, macroinvertebrate sampling, and quality assurance. Snowbird has applied for a UPDES Permit and will likely contain monitoring and reporting requirements only. Will also need to apply for construction storm water permit through DWQ. Best Management Practices have to be in place to minimize pollutant run off. Utah County will be responsible to approve and monitor compliance of storm water plan.

CM Zappala asked about possible contamination from Yankee Mine. DWQ rep said EPA will be looking at, but will be part of the UPDES permit. EPA is doing a preliminary assessment to investigate concerns raised by group Protect & Preserve American Fork Canyon. EPA does not consider impacts from Tibble Fork Reservoir dam rehabilitation project. Will evaluate existing information to determine exposure pathways.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Nobody signed up.

Consent Agenda

  • Angela Free was appointed to the Parks & Trails Committee
  • Doug Fillmore, Bill Knowlton, and Craig Hansen were appointed to the Board of Adjustments.
  • Minutes from the Nov 1st and Nov 15th Council meetings were approved. 

Discussion on FY 2016 Financial Audit
Annually we contract with independent auditors to review the basic financial statements. The independent auditors are expected to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement and are fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The City received a clean opinion.

Setting Time and Place for 2017 Council Meetings
This was approved and is available on the city's website.