Sunday, April 8, 2012

Council Meeting - April 3, 2012

Work Session
Mayor Call of Pleasant Grove came to present a proposal for the 4000 North sewer line. PG currently has 10 residents on that road that are using a septic system and would like to hook on to Cedar Hills' sewer line. This has been an ongoing conversation for several years and at a joint work session in January we asked Mayor Call to come up with an initial proposal. The proposal presented consists of the following:

- The current number of residents to connect will be 10 but could be up to 24 in the future. David Bunker (our Public Works Director) will determine the maximum number of users that we will ever allow to hook on to this line, but the sewer line can support a very high number.

- PG received a bid of $328,812 to put in a brand new sewer line so is proposing to pay half that amount ($164,406) to Cedar Hills for allowing the use of the sewer line.

- Cedar Hills will receive impact fees and hook-on fees from those PG residents that decide to hook on. These fees will be collected by the City of PG and paid to CH. Thes fees will be based on Cedar Hills rates at the time the PG resident hooks on.

- PG residents will be responsible for the cost of their lateral to hook-on.

- PG residents will be charged the same sewer rates as all other PG residents and will be billed by PG. PG will reimburse CH their sewer costs at CH rates. If CH charges more than PG then PG will cover the difference. If CH charges less than PG then PG will keep the difference. Either way, PG bills their own residents and we get reimbursed directly from PG at our rates.

- CH will be responsible for any future maintenance or replacement costs as it is assumed that the monthly sewer rates charged to residents includes an accrual for these future needs.

- The agreement can only be terminated if both parties agree to terminate.

- PG residents can hook-on at their convenience.

The Council will discuss this proposal and continue to work with PG on this issue.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Darrin Nielson - Mr. Nielson would like a variance on the ordinance limiting the back fence height for his yard from 4' to 6'. Crime has cost him a considerable amount of money due to theft and vandalism. Mayor Richardson is going to contact Mr. Nielson for more information and further discussion.

Brad Seamons - Mr. Seamons recently purchased a 160 square foot shed but city ordinance restricts shed size to 120 square feet. He spoke with Brad Kearl and was advised to ask the City Council for a variance. Mayor Richardson will discuss with him further.

Robert Wetsel - Mr. Wetsel also is requesting a shed variance. Mayor Richardson will follow up.

Consent Agenda
- The minutes from the March 20th Council Meeting were approved.
- WalMart has requested a conditional use permit that will allow outdoor sales for garden supplies for two months. The store manager has assured the City that this area will be kept clean and nice. The request was approved.

City Reports
Konrad (City Manager) - The Community Recreation Center is still on track for completion on April 11th. There will be an open house for residents on May 5th. The Councll has requested an annual State of the Golf Course report and this will be provided in August so that the fiscal year numbers will be included.

CM Gygi - Utah Valley Dispatch is doing an audit of Cedar Hills data and has found discrepancies. They are working to fix this. CM Gygi and CM Jackman are working on obtaining information about a possible refinance of debt.

CM Augustus - Planning Commission met regarding Hart's Gas Station. He is working on ideas for three flag polls at the CoRec. The Planning Commission wants to know if they will have their future meetings at the CoRec.

Mayor Richardson - Attending a meeting at Lone Peak High School regarding drug, alcohol, and suicide concerns in our area.

CM Jackman - Working with CM Gygi about possible refinance of city bonds.

CM Martinez - Friday is the golden egg hunt for families and the nighttime Easter Egg Hunt for kids ages 11-14. Saturday morning at 11am is the Easter Egg Hunt for kids ages 0-10. Family Festival plans are still going on. Recreation programs at CoRec will begin in May.

Agreement with Provo River Water Users Association
At our last meeting we discussed the amount we have been billed with regards to the Murdock Canal enclosure project. For more information on this, please see my post from the last Council Meeting. After meeting with Mr. Cane with the PRWUA we have come to the following agreement:

- The total cost of the project will be reduced from $198,963 to $160,000.
- CH will be responsible to pay for 75% of those costs for a total of $120,000. PRWUA will be responsible for the remaining 25%.
- CH will pay the full amount immediately.
- CH will sign the modified utility relocation reimbursement agreement, which will include all of these points.

Mr. Cane did want the City to know that the enclosure project is almost complete so we could see the construction of the trail start as early as June.

Review/Action on Resolution to Adopt Fees
This item was continued from last Council meeting. The decision was made to reduce residential plan check fee to $300 and the commercial plan check fee to $400. All other fees on the schedule will remain the same.

Review/Action on Amendments to City Code Regarding Dwelling Units Per Structure
The current code allows for a maximum amount of six dwelling units per structure. There was an issue with Perry Homes that happened recently where they were given preliminary approval to build structures at Bridgestone that have eight dwelling units each. Perry Homes had been working with the City as well as the Planning Commission and the mistake wasn't realized until after Perry Homes had already put a considerable amount of time and money into this project. At a Council meeting last month we heard from Perry Homes as well as the HOA president and other residents who support this development and requested a variance. The amendment presented would allow the City Council, subject to the recommendation of the Planning Commission, to approve an increase in the number of dwelling units per structure as long as the development was appropriate for the lot and would not result in a hazardous condition. The amendment passed.

Review/Action on Preliminary Plan for Hart's Gas Station
The four acres of land purchased by Rhinehart Oil has now been annexed into CH so Hart's submitted preliminary plans for their gas station. The building will conform to the colonial style of other CH commercial buildings. The colors of brick and stone will be very similar to Chase Bank. The gas station will have eight pumps, the station itself will be 4,299 square feet and will have an outdoor eating area. Hart's is still looking at ideas for sign options. The preliminary site plans have been approved. If you would like to see the plans you can view them at

Review/Action on Completion of CoRec Basement
This was listed as an action item but was a discussion item. The recreation department provided more detailed information as to the type of classes that will be offered and ideas for a fee schedule for the cardio room once the basement is finished. The plan is to complete the basement this year and it will include a large classroom area as well as a cardio room and rock climbing wall. A subcommittee was formed to review options for construction of the basement as well as recreation programs. More information will be provided as we continue to move forward on this completion, but we are very excited to offer a variety of programs and recreation options for all residents at low prices.

Discussion on Refinancing City Bonds and Prepayment
Due to our recent bond upgrade the City now has the opportunity to look at possible refinance options of our GO bond (golf course debt equaling $5.75 million) and our PI2 bond (pressurized irrigation bond equaling $900,000). CM Jackman and CM Gygi have been reviewing possible options. One involves a lower fixed rate bond for the golf course that would save money as the interest rate would be lower, and another option is a line of credit for the PI2 bond. This line of credit would have no prepayment penalty and a fixed rate for seven years but would go to a variable rate after that period. CM Jackman and CM Gygi met with a group of residents to get feedback on the possibility of paying off this debt in the seven year period by increasing property taxes by approximately $4 to $5 per month. They received good input and feedback. We will be scheduling a townhall meeting in May to present the options and to get feedback from residents before making any decisions. We will also update our Council Corner page on the website with detailed information on the options and will have an opinion poll on the website for those who cannot attend the townhall meeting but want to provide input. We will post the exact date and location and additional details within the next few weeks. Please remember this is only a discussion item for now and we encourage all residents to review the data and let us know your thoughts.

Executive Session
The Council did have an executive session.

Review/Action on City Manager Performance and Contract
This item will be continued after requesting some changes to the contract to include, but not limited to, the removal of $100 monthly miscellaneous pay.

Review/Action on Reimbursement of Litigation Costs for Mayor and City Manager
Due to the list of allegations filed by residents the Mayor and City Manager obtained outside legal representation. As dictated by law, the City shall cover the costs for this representation as the Utah County Attorney indicated there were no criminal actions to investigate. The Council approved reimbursement of these invoices pending receipt of the total amounts.