Saturday, November 24, 2012

Council Meeting - November 20, 2012

Work Session

Presentation by YCC on Santa’s Workshop Toy Drive
This program allows local families in need to pick up toys and other presents for their children for Christmas. The YCC meets with local bishops to get recommendations of families who may benefit from this program. All of the money that is raised from fundraisers throughout the year go towards this program, as well as toy donations from families. Last year the YCC helped 30 families. This year the YCC has raised approximately $500. The YCC encourages families to donate new or gently used toys to this program. Donation boxes will be located at the Public Works Building, the Community Recreation Center, Deerfield Elementary, and Cedar Ridge Elementary. Cash donations can be made at the City Office. Pizza Pie Café is having a special fundraising activity for Cedar Hills. Bring in your Pizza Pie card on Nov 27th, 28th, 29th, Dec 4th, 5th, or 6th and 25% of your order will go to help this program.

Discussion of Winter Activities on Golf Course
There have been several suggestions to have other winter activities on the golf course. The golf manager came to discuss his concerns and recommends not doing this. After talking with other courses and doing research he has determined that this causes a lot of damage to the course. He contacted the superintendent of Wasatch State Park as they do allow winter activities on their golf course and was told they sustain a lot of damage each year. Skiers don’t stay on the trails and the snow compact turns to ice, which damages the greens. He also spoke with a course in Idaho that allows other activities and was told they spend $5,000-$8,000 each year on repairs.

The previous golf director used to have snow removed from the course in the winter in order to have more rounds of golf played. Our current management recommends we do not continue this practice as the course benefits from having several weeks to recuperate. The recommendation was made that we identify other areas where residents can participate in winter activities and that the Council approve an official policy prohibiting sledding and other activities on the course. This will be continued to the next meeting.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Marisa Wright – Wants to see the CoRec basement completed. Says only one resident at the townhall regarding the basement was against it after expressing fiscal conservatism. She is upset that the City settled with UVHBA. Some members of the Council have told her that now that the recreation impact fees are gone the basement can be completed with CARE tax funds and unrestricted general funds. Feels the basement needs to be completed to make the golf course break even operationally. Says the CoRec is the difference between a town and hometown. Doesn’t know why anyone would be against it unless they don’t recreate.

City Reports
David Bunker – Received bond ratings from Standard & Poor and Fitch. Both agencies rated the City at AA-, which is a very good rating. With both agencies giving us the same rating we will get a better refinancing rate on the GO bond. Interest rates are low right now so it is a good time to refinance.

CM Martinez – YCC working on Santa’s workshop. On December 10th the City will be hosting a winter event at the CoRec. Santa will be there to see the kids and we will be serving hot cocoa. Hours will be 5pm-8pm. The Grill is recommending new winter hours of 8-5 with the grill portion only operating from 11-2. Food that will be served during the other hours will be soups, salads, and premade items. This recommendation is due to financial losses. December 7th will be the last day of regular hours.

CM Augustus – The Planning Commission met to discuss the Dimond Subdivision, kennels and catteries. Attended a North Pointe Solid Waste board meeting and tipping fees will be increasing about $3 per household per year. Looking at changing access as it is very busy on Saturdays. He continues to work with draftsperson on plans for the CoRec basement.

Mayor Gygi – Met with three council members regarding goals and visions. Will meet with the other two soon. Will present overall goals for January.

CM Rees – Issued two press releases and getting more likes on Facebook. Working with CM Martinez on December 10th event.

CM Zappala – Working on emergency plan for the City. Attended a board meeting for Utah Valley Special Service District. They are having issues hiring qualified people and are also looking for a new location. Mentioned Highland, Saratoga Springs, and Santaquin as possible locations. Working on a request for bids.

Recognition of Golf Course Finance Advisory Committee Members
As not all of the members were able to be present this item has been postponed.

Review/Acton to Approve Final Plat for Dimond Subdivision A
This is a proposed two lot subdivision located at 4000 West and 9486 North. The subdivision will consist of the existing home and a new lot. This subdivision originally received approval about two years ago and has gone through the Planning Commission again. Still need to submit water rights and a storm water protection plan. Plans include utilities to the new lot. This was approved.

Review/Acton on Water Conservation Plan Update
The State and the Division of Water Resources require that we update this plan every five years. Our current outdoor use is moderate to high and we need to develop some education materials for residents to reduce water consumption. We do not currently meter our PI usage, but it would cost approximately $1.5 million to install a metering system, plus higher O&M costs for replacement and maintenance. We haven’t looked at providing incentives to cut down on water use, but staff is open to this. Staff would like to create a water conservation committee to address this and other conservation issues. The new Water Conservation Plan was approved.

Discussion on Golf Cart Lease Agreement
Wade (golf director) went through each of the carts to review was is needed and determined that about half of our golf carts will not have enough battery life to get through the next season. He recommends we replace the carts. If we were to fix the issues with existing carts it would cost $36,000-$40,000 the first year and the same amount for the second year. This is in addition to the approximately $50,000 in cart maintenance costs over the next 24 months on the current fleet. He doesn’t feel it makes sense to spend that kind of money on used carts. Feels it makes more financial sense to sell the bad carts and get a lease for new carts. He has received several bids and the price is about $6,200/month for a four-year lease for the new carts. The four year lease includes a full warranty for the four years. We had previously been told that we could expect each cart to last eight years but Wade feels a more realistic expectation is four years. We’ve had issues with carts dying on the course and golfers having to be towed back to the clubhouse. We also had an instance where a golfer was injured after the brakes didn’t work on a cart. Mr. Gonzalez (cart maintenance technician) stated there is also a cost of labor and parts to continually be fixing broken down carts. This was a discussion item only so no decision was made.

Discussion on Cedar Hills Champions Program
I had been approached by a resident who wanted to recommend another resident as a Cedar Hills Champion. This section is on our website but was never an official program. I would like to implement this program and recognize a resident each quarter. I will work with David on drafting the parameters for this program and it will be on a future agenda.

No executive session was needed.

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