Monday, August 13, 2012

Council Meeting - August 7, 2012

Work Session

The Work Session was spent reviewing items on the agenda for Council meeting.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Nobody signed up for public comment.

Consent Agenda
Minutes from the June 5, 2012 Council meeting and June 19, 2012 Council meeting and public hearing were approved.

City Reports
Rees - I am continuing to work on the State of the City newsletter and plan on having it out by the end of August or first part of September.

Martinez - Sign-ups are happening for tot soccer. Lego teams are meeting this month. The YCC was in charge of the family games for Relay For Life in Lehi and did a great job with it. Recreation staff needs direction from the Council on our fields. Other groups use our fields for sports programs and staff is wondering if we should charge for the use. Currently we do not charge, so we do not recover any costs for maintenance or damage. Mayor Gygi asked David Bunker to research how other cities handle this and to give a recommendation to the Council.

Augustus - Working with a contractor on drawings for the CoRec basement.

Gygi - North Pointe Solid Waste has renewed their contract with Waste Management. Utah Valley Dispatch is still looking for a new location.

Bunker (City Manager) - The Utah League of Cities and Towns annual conference is this fall in September. He and Mayor Gygi had a meeting with Pleasant Grove to discuss some of the issues. He met with Zions Bank to discuss low interest rates, but it still doesn't make sense to refinance the golf course bond at this point due to negative arbitrage issues.

Review/Action on Appointment of City Recorder
Colleen Mulvey was hired as our new City Recorder. She served as the Deputy City Recorder in Pleasant Grove for some time. The Council approved this appointment and Ms. Mulvey was sworn in by Gretchen Gordon.

Public Hearing on Boundary Adjustment (Earl Property)
Nobody signed up to comment during the public hearing.

Review/Action on Boundary Adjustment Between Pleasant Grove and Cedar Hills (Earl Property)
No action can be taken at this time. In order for this to be approved the homeowners need to have a surveyor create a plat map and must also paid the appropriate fees. The homeowner has not yet done either of these things. Pleasant Grove has had their public hearing so we are waiting on these two items before approval can be given.

Review/Action on Resolution Recognizing Arielle Martin
Arielle Martin is originally from Cedar Hills and was to compete with the U.S. BMX Olympic team in the 2012 London Olympics. During her last training run Arielle was badly injured and could not go to London. CM Augustus has had contact with her family and let them know the City would like to recognize Arielle for her hard work and determination. CM Augustus read the resolution making August 8, 2012 Arielle Martin day in Cedar Hills. The resolution was approved by the Council. A news article on this can be viewed at

Discussion on Vision and Goals for City Council and Staff
Mayor Gygi would like to work with the City Council on creating a mission statement for the City and then work together to set goals for the Council and staff. These should be focused on what our city should be known for. Mayor Gygi will be giving assignments out at a later time, and we will also be looking for resident feedback. More information will be provided in the September newsletter.

The Mayor and Council did go into Executive Session.