Saturday, October 20, 2012

City Council Meeting - October 16, 2012

Work Session

The work session was a closed executive session to discuss litigation matters.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Nobody signed up for public comment.

Consent Agenda
The minutes from the August 28, 2012 City Council meeting and the September 18, 2012 City Council meeting and Public Hearing were approved.

Review/Action on Approving Submittal  of a Recreational Grant Application
Each year the City files an application for a municipal recreational grant from the Utah County Commission. The income from this grant will be $11,306.93 and will go into the CARE tax fund to offset some of the expenses associated with the Heritage Park basketball court, which was $36,245.01. The request to submit the application for this grant was unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Resolution Appointing Daniel Zappala to the UV Dispatch SSD
The Utah Valley Dispatch Special Service District requires that appointing a member representative be made through a resolution. Mayor Gygi has asked Daniel Zappala to serve on this board. The resolution was unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Water Charges and Reimbursement
Residents who live on Mahogany Drive and 9220 North had some water issues over the summer and it was later discovered there was a cross-connect in the culinary water line for these two streets (for more info see my notes from the August 28th Council Meeting). The City approved the reimbursement of all culinary and PI water charges for these residents for July - September, which equaled approximately $4,330.00. After this, city representatives met with these residents again who have asked for an additional six months of testing on their water line and an additional six months of free culinary water so as to reassure them that their water is fine. David Bunker estimated the additional cost for this would be $1,130.00. There were a few residents from this area in attendance and Mayor Gygi asked if any would like to speak. William Moore stated that he would like to see this resolved and felt better communication was needed. Crystal Michaelis stated that some residents still have discolored water on occasion and that her child was going to have to be on medication for the rest of her life because of the giardia diagnosis. David asked that any resident who has discolored water collect it in a mason jar and contact the City immediately. The request for an additional six months of culinary water at no charge was unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Approval of Costs for CoRec Basement
This was changed to a discussion item only. Previously the recreation team had submitted three different options for completing the basement. A townhall meeting was held where the majority of residents indicated they preferred Option B. The Council asked the recreation staff to come up with some preliminary figures for each option. Option A which includes finishing the entire basement, supplying all equipment, and installing a rock wall is estimated to cost $396,777.00. Option B which includes finishing the entire basement but not purchasing any equipment is $301,902.00. Option C which includes finishing the North side only (classes but no cardio room) is $212,332.00. CM Zappala has asked staff to find out the difference in cost for an elevator instead of an ADA ramp. I suggested we do a poll with residents now that we have an idea of the cost. This was agreed to so I will be working on creating a poll using Survey Monkey or some other similar software. This topic will be continued at the next Council meeting.

**As I was going through my notes for this blog I realized something seemed off with the math for Option A and B. The cost for Option A is $396,777.00. The cost for option B without equipment is $301,902.00; however, the equipment is $98,445.00. This means if I add the cost for equipment back in, as most residents said they wanted with Option B, it would cost more than Option A. I then went back through and added the equipment total ($98,445.00) with the additional costs of construction listed below the equipment on Option A (mirror, handrail, ADA ramp, etc.) and I show the cost for Option A would be $424,777. Also, I don't see anything listed on Option A that includes a rock wall. I have sent an email asking for some clarification on these numbers and will create the poll for residents once that info is verified.

Review/Action on Approval of Updated Policies and Procedures
Over several months city staff has been working on updating the employee policies and procedures based on input from administration, the Mayor and Council, and the City Attorney. Updates include changes to benefits, recruitment, nepotism, city assigned phones, appeals board, employee privileges, and funeral leave. A few additional changes were requested by the Council - the employee benefit to rent the Vista Room one time at a reduced rate will only be offered Sunday - Thursday and is subject to availability. Also, an update to the nepotism policy must state that any potential hires cannot be related to anyone in the appeals chain. The changes to the policy were approved 4 to 1.

Discussion on Use of Soccer Fields by NUCS
The North Utah County Soccer Club currently uses our fields at Mesquite Park for soccer practice and games. We also utilize these fields for flag football. There have been some instances where NUCS is using the fields when they are not scheduled to do so and it has conflicted with flag football, yet the coaches are unwilling to leave the field. CM Martinez wanted to discuss this issue and get feedback on how to best resolve. Mayor Gygi has asked that he and David meet with NUCS to discuss better terms in our contract and possibly assess penalties for not complying with the contract. NUCS has threatened to send an email to the families of their Cedar Hills players letting them know the City is "unwilling to work with them"; however, we recognize that our flag football teams are just as important and need to be able to use the fields when they are scheduled to do so.

Review/Action of City Manager Contract
Mayor Gygi, Eric Johnson, and David Bunker have completed the final contract for the City Manager position. A few changes were requested:
  • Change the distance that the city manager may live outside of Cedar Hills from 8 to 10;
  • Change the wording on raises to state that the Mayor and Council can approve raises, not just the Mayor;
  • Change wording on the vehicle supplied to state that the City will provide a vehicle based on the City's existing vehicle purchase policy.
The contract with changes was unanimously approved.

City Reports
CM Augustus - Planning Commission had a meeting and one of the new members was sworn in. He will try to change the November Planning Commission meeting so it won't conflict with the townhall for the Golf Course Finance Advisory Committee.

CM Rees - We will be having a townhall meeting on Thursday to discuss public safety.

CM Martinez - The new Parks, Trails, Recreation, and Beautification Committee will be meeting the first of November. YCC is having the Spooktacular on Oct 29th. Kids can wear their costumes and this will be at Heritage Park. Nov 3rd is the Princess Festival at the CoRec.

CM Jackman - Met with the Finance Committee to discuss the refinance of the golf course bond. The savings over the term of the loan is $400,000. We can only do an advanced call once so if we move forward we will be locked in at the new interest rate for ten years. This refi does not extend the term but lowers the interest rate from what we current pay (approximately 4% - 4.5%) to an interest rate around 2.3%-2.8%. We have this opportunity because of our recent bond rating increase. The Council is fine with the finance committee pursuing this option.

There was no need for an additional executive session so the meeting was adjourned.

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