Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Council Meeting - December 18, 2012

Work Session 

Randy Yates, a realtor with Mountainland Realty, has received offer for the nine acres of commercial space that the City owns. This same entity who is interested in our property has made an offer to the Smarts as well and they will probably accept that offer. They are interested in a long-term lease of our property (99 years).

Randy came to present this potential offer to the Council. Buyers are very experienced in developing commercial and residential properties and have the money for this project. Talked about various options - retail, restaurants, strip mall, office space, etc. Would like some residential in the back bordering existing residential property, either condos/apartments and/or multi-use with commercial on the main floor and residential on the upper floors. Mr. Yates won't give us the name of buyer until we enter into an agreement with him so he may receive a commission, which is common. Buyers want to develop as soon as possible. Mr. Yates is willing to either represent us through the whole process (as well as the buyer) or be paid a smaller fee for just introducing us to his buyer and having us represent ourselves. 

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Nobody signed up for public comment. 

Consent Agenda
The minutes from the following meetings were approved: October 16, 2012 City Council meeting, November 15, 2012 Special Council meeting, November 20, 2012 City Council meeting, and the December 4, 2012 City Council meeting. 

City Reports
CM Martinez - Santa's Workshop went very well. YCC did a great job. Helped approximately 60 Cedar Hills kids. Will send any uncollected toys to a shelter. City party was great. Received a lot of compliments. Lego League is coming up and we still need volunteers for this. Event is on January 12th. 

CM Rees - Issued one press release, working on another. 

Review/Action on Approval of Exterior Elevations for Bridgestone
Robert Chesworth and Monty Hickenlooper represent the Bridgestone HOA and were present. We have received modified architectural drawings from Perry homes for the 8-plex units. Additional brick has been added to the front. Hardy plank will be above the brick. On sides there will be 9 feet of brick. On the back there will be brick over the doors and rock, with rest being hardy plank. Mayor Gygi wants the community to stay a very nice place where people want to live. We have allowed several exceptions for this new unit and he feels like Perry Homes continues to ask for concessions. The Mayor has met with Mr. Chesworth and Mr. Hickenlooper and expressed his concerns. They both want this to move forward and are fine with the new drawings.  

Mayor Gygi is fine with allowing it to be approved with the new drawings, but wants Perry Homes to realize that the City has continued to make concessions on this project and this won't be a precedent for the future. I stated my main concern was that residents would be upset if it the design didn’t match the rest of the community, but if the residents in that area are fine with the new drawings then I am as well. CM Zappala stated he doesn't like the 8-plex units, but that has already been approved and can't be changed. CM Jackman is frustrated with the number of concessions we've made, but what residents want carries a lot of weight. CM Martinez is unhappy with the changes and wants Perry to be required to change the plans for the units to have 50% brick in order to match the other buildings in that area. She feels we have an obligation to future residents as well and these communities have a lot of move-ins and move-outs. CM Augustus is frustrated as well. Said that Brandon Dyer (President of Perry Homes) knew in July what was required and feels like we are now stuck in a difficult situation. The units will be here a lot longer than any of the resident and he feels we shouldn’t make exceptions now.  

Mr. Chesworth is the President of the HOA and represents the citizens of Bridgestone. He said that Perry Homes took this project over from McMullen Homes being under the impression they wouldn't have issues moving forward. The property now looks horrible with weeds and a large excavation hole and those residents want the property developed. Perry has stated that if they are required to use 50% brick then they will walk away from the project. This is not what the Bridgestone community wants. 

This item was tabled until there can be a meeting with Brandon Dyer (Perry Homes), the HOA, Mayor Gygi, David Bunker, and CM Augustus. 

Review/Action on Options for CoRec Basement
Staff proposed that we get construction bids for the basement. This would not encumber the City, but will give us better idea on what costs should be. Staff recommends we get bid for Plan B, but with a break down between North and South Side. It will cost about $15,000 to get these plans prepared to go out to bid. We've already paid a draftsman $2,000 to draw up plans.  

North side will have dance floor, mirrored walls, and ballet bar. South side will have more electrical outlets so it could be utilized for many different types of uses.  

The Council approved this item to receive bids so we can have a better understanding of the costs associated with the completion of the basement. CM Zappala requested that the bid include separate drawings for elevator vs ADA ramp so we can determine which option is best. 

There was no need for executive session.

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