Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Council Meeting - September 18, 2012

Work Session/Town Hall

A town hall meeting was scheduled to give residents an opportunity to review options for the completion of the CoRec basement. The work session was dedicated to receiving comment.

Heidi Willis - Wants a dance room with mirrors and a dance floor, cardio room, instructor led spin classes. Most interested in adult recreation classes and early morning.

Angela Johnson - Wants to know the cost for each option presented. Councilmember Martinez explained that the recreation team was first seeking to find out what residents were interested in and then would put them out to bid to get quotes. Mrs. Johnson feels it is difficult to have this conversation as to what we want before we know how much it will cost.

Molly Remund - Wants everything but first wants to know how much it will cost before deciding. Would really like a library.

Jean Mather - Would like a library for children. She feels that having a library onsite will generate more interest for other programs being held. She also likes having a dance area.

Marisa Wright - Wants Option A, which is finishing the entire basement with all equipment and a rock wall. Our youth is growing, we need these now before the kids get too old to utilize it. Says we should do it now and do it right. Likes the bouldering wall and says it will be good for tweens. Also recommends having a teen movie night because youth need a place to hang out. If we don't have the money for finishing and equipment then she recommends we build it out now then use future CARE tax revenue to purchase equipment.

Jason Rose - Likes Option A because it has something all of his kids could use. Has gym membership and would rather spend his money here. Likes both instructor led courses and cardio room.

Jill Deargee - Goes to fitness classes now and likes Option A. Says we need to be patient and give the rec program time to grow. We need a big enough area for future growth. Wants dance glasses. Does not want library, only wants revenue generating activities.

Kayla Rose - She is 15 and wants a gym at the rec center. Also likes instructor led classes.

Kurt Whitlock - Likes Option B, which is finishing the basement but no rock wall. Wants us to use the use-it-or-lose-it funds. Hesitant to compete with private business. Wants the City to focus on growing commercially and not having the City compete with private business.

Steven Hurt - If we want kids to come to rec center then we need digital options. More games and technology, that is what kids like. Look for used items instead of buying new equipment. Get private bids that would be less than government bids.

Amy Edwards - She teaches classes at CoRec. Need mirrors and fans. Tweens are interested in dance classes.

Emily Flygar - Likes fitness classes. Likes Option B with equipment. Bouldering wall takes up too much space and teens will only use a few times before they get bored with it. Men need weights and bigger equipment as well as more space. Wants to see us make this available to LPPSD firefighters. Feels Option A is geared towards women only.

Eric Schloer - Kids love music. Make CoRec an after school hang out with music. Schedule dances.

Jill Griffiths - Teaches classes at CoRec. Need classes for tweens. Classes can deal with childhood obesity. Likes Option B with equipment. She would flip the plans so the cardio room is on the other side.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Ken Bacon - Wants to add third car garage but current code doesn't allow for this on his lot. Wants code changed for odd shaped properties. Gary has asked David Bunker to work with Mr. Bacon to get more details.

Jerry Dearinger - Wants to know how the City determined that only 13 homes were affected by the water issue experienced on Mahogany when there were many more homes on the Manila Water system. He has had issues with his meter. David Bunker explained that other areas were using the same lines they've been on, this subdivision was the only one that went on a line that wasn't being used. Also, we do monthly testing and have done additional testing because of this issue and all other lines have tested fine.

Consent Agenda
Minutes were approved for the following meetings: June 19, 2012 Council meeting and public hearing; July 10, 2012 Council meeting; July 19, 2012 Council meeting; July 31, 2012 Council meeting; August 7, 2012 Council meeting and public hearing.

Public Hearing on Planning Commission Membership
Angela Johnson - Doesn't feel that Planning Commission members should be paid, this should be a committee of volunteers.
   **Currently, all Planning Commission members have opted out of receiving payment.

Review/Action on Ordinance Amending Compensation for Council
During the last Council meeting there was a discussion on moving away from paper agenda packets and instead giving each Councilmember an $11.50/month technology allowance to purchase a device that allows for electronic packets to be received. It was determined that doing so would save the City $1180 per Councilmember over a four-year term. A more detailed review can be found on my last blog post at Councilmembers have been receiving a monthly stipend of $75 for a cell phone. This new ordinance would include the $11.50 technology allowance for a new monthly stipend of $86.50. This was approved unanimously.

Review/Action on Ordinance Amending City Code Regarding Planning Commission Membership
There are currently two vacancies on the Planning Commission. Mayor Gygi has asked that the number of alternates on this group be expanded from two to three. CM Jackman was concerned as to why, wanted to know if we weren't having enough members show to have a quorum. He feels it may already be too big. CM Zappala recently served on the Planning Commission and said it is not uncommon to miss meetings because of individual schedules. CM Augustus says there have been many times when there are not enough members in attendance to form a quorum. I expressed that because this is a volunteer group I can understand that work and family needs have to be the priority. Mayor Gygi said that in addition to this, there were three very qualified people who applied that he would like to appoint to the committee. Mr. Dodge, who was in attendance, also stated that family time can interfere with meetings. The recommendation to expand the number of alternates from two to three passed 3-2 with CM Augustus, Zappala, and Rees voting aye and CM Jackman and Martinez voting nay.

Amended Agenda Item - Appointing New Members to Planning Commission
The recommendation was made to appoint Bradley Webber, Michael Geddes, and Emily Cox to the Planning Commission. This was approved unanimously.

Review/Action on Resolution to Combine the Recreation, Parks and Trails and the Beautification Citizen Advisory Committees
CM Martinez and I had discussed this at length. There are many instances where these two committees seem to overlap. The Parks and Trails committee had been dissolved awhile back and the main areas that our Beautification committee can beauty are parks and trails. This combined group will work together and will advise the Council on projects and lobby for funds. Will also look to utilize scout groups more often. This was unanimously approved.

Review/Action to Award Micro Surface Project to Geneva Rock
Bids were sent by the City for road maintenance projects needed on 4600 West, Redwood Road, north end of Cottonwood Drive, and Briggs/Nielsen Blvd. This is a type 2 microsurface, which is a thin set asphalt overlay. This is good for high use roads and is better than slurry seal. Will start at approximately 9880 N on 4600 W, go to Redwood Road, then to Cottonwood to Mesquite. Residents affected will receive a door notice. Notice will also go on the website and in the newsletter. Should start in mid-October and is estimated to take about four weeks. Geneva Rock was the lowest bidder at $125,200. This motion to award this project to Geneva Rock was unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Water Charges Reimbursement
On September 4, 2012 the City was alerted that residents on Mahogany Drive and 9220 North had water that was discolored and tasted bad. The Public Works team flushed the lines but the water was still discolored so these residents were put on a different water line until the issue could be resolved. It was soon discovered that the old line, which had been installed over a decade ago but only started being utilized in July after the transfer of some residents from Manila Water, had a cross connect with the PI system. The issue has been resolved and further information can be found at The recommendation made was to waive and/or credit the culinary water and PI charges for the 13 affected households from July through September, which were the months they received contaminated water. The total financial impact is approximately $3,200. This was unanimously approved.

Discussion on Options for CoRec Basement
The town hall was a great way to get resident feedback. However, we do need some approximate figures on what each option will cost. Greg Gordon is working on this. Discussion will be continued.

Discussion on Allowing a Resident to Operate a Cat Boarding Business
A resident has approached the Mayor requesting they be allowed to build a cat boarding business in their basement. CM Jackman feels we should not limit this to cats and wants to know what other cities are doing and why. Discussion will be continued.

City Reports
David Bunker - TSSD has a meeting on Thursday. David will be out the week of September 24th.

CM Rees - State of the City newsletter is complete and being mailed to residents. Town hall meeting will be on September 25th. Two new press releases have been issued. Up to 82 Facebook likes.

CM Zappala - Town hall committee met to discuss topics for future town hall meetings. Is working with local Stake Presidents to coordinate plan for emergency situations.

CM Martinez - YCC met and will be doing an activity on October 29th from 6-8pm. This will be a pumpkin walk, carving, costume contest. Raising funds for Santa's Workshop. We have a new golf manager. Did not have enough volunteers to put flyers on doors for every resident.

CM Augustus - Planning Commission will meet with new members.

Mayor Gygi - Reminder to Council to be working on Council vision and goals.

There was no executive session.

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