Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Council Meeting - April 2, 2013

Work Session

Eric Johnson presented on the Open and Public Meetings Act. City Council is required to have training on this annually. Purpose of the act is to ensure that actions and deliberations are to be open to the public. A public body is any body created by resolution or ordinance or statute. If the purpose of the committee is to obtain feedback from the public then we should have the committee follow the open and public meeting act. If committee will be advising the Council or expending funds then that committee should follow this act as well.

Meetings do not include chance meetings (even if more than two council members are present in the same location) or social meetings. Email, text, and other electronic communications does not subject the body to the Open and Public Meetings Act, which means a body can communicate via these methods outside of an open meeting. Meetings should generally happen within city limits, but there can be site meetings, if needed. Must give public notice in order to have public meetings. Notice needs to be at the main office, the Utah Public Notice website, and a copy of the agenda needs to be sent to the local newspaper. Only competency, litigation, real estate, security items, crimes & ethics, and collective bargaining can take place in a closed meeting. Can discuss matters that come up in the course of the meeting but can only take action on those items that are noticed on the agenda.

Council Meeting

Public Comment
Michael Botida - Having problems with the driving range. Fence is not high enough. Moved to Cedar Hills in November of 2010. In 2011 had 150 golf balls in yard and several kids go through yard. September 2011 garage window was broken because of golf ball. April 2012 the City replaced the window. Discussed raising nets but nothing happened. Was told that signs would be put up saying that users would be responsible for damage and that range would be policed better. Continues to collect many golf balls every week. Has 9 pockmarks on side of his house from golf balls hitting it and have also hit his car. Kids playing in the yard have almost been hit. Would like City to either raise the fence or restrict types of golf clubs that can be used on the range.

Report from Utah County Commissioner
Gary Anderson presented. Commends Cedar Hills for doing well over the past few years. Appreciates working with Gary. Completed North County Blvd. Next thing on their agenda is Canyon Road. Road is terrible. Working with UDOT to figure out who is going to fix what portions but doesn't know when that will happen. Excited about economic development in North Utah County. CM Jackman brought up TSSD and concern that rates are going to go up dramatically and wants to know how we can resolve this. Mr. Anderson said people have conception that the County has more control over that board than they do. He doesn't want rates to go up and thinks any solution that we come up with has to be cost effective and continue to provide good service and moving the composting and raising rates is not equitable in his mind. CM Martinez brought up County library system similar to Salt Lake County. Mr. Anderson said this has been a tough issue as there are so many turf battles. County is going to try to get this going again. Heidi Rodeback with AF City Council is working with them and they will contact and involve Cedar Hills as well. Cities need to be willing to work together on this.

Review/Action on Resolution Recognizing Kolin Powell as Cedar Hills Champion
From the press release - As part of the Cedar Hills Champions program, the City Council will recognize Kolin Powell for his achievements in BMX racing and becoming the 2012 State Champion for the 16-year-old age group.

Kolin has been participating in national races for several years. BMX is an Olympic sport and is very demanding. Kolin is very dedicated to this sport and can be seen riding around the city while training and conditioning for the race season. He is also training and mentoring his younger brother, Kaden. While competing in the Utah State Championship in 2011 he not only beat everyone in his intermediate-level class but also did better than those competing in the expert-level class. In addition to the Utah State Championship, he has won the Las Vegas National and the Great Northwest National in Bend, Oregon. He has obtained some impressive sponsors, including Applebee’s, Famous Dave’s, Gus Paulos Chevrolet, and Vaypor Designs.

“Kolin is an amazing young man,” said Mayor Gary Gygi. “His commitment to his sport is inspiring and what he has been able to accomplish in his racing career so far is incredible. We are honored to have him represent our community and are happy to recognize him as a Cedar Hills Champion.”

Consent Agenda
Minutes for February 19, 2013, March 5, 2013, and March 19, 2013 were unanimously approved.

City Reports
David Bunker - TSSD is having a two-for-one on composting materials. At last board meeting he questioned why rates were being raised as there is some extra cash from past rates structures and he is anticipating we won't have a rate increase this year. Burn permits will no longer be issued through the City, must now be acquired through the State Division of Air Quality. City Manager conference is next week and will be gone. 2210 out of approximately 2500 households receive hardcopy newsletter instead of electronic newsletter. Plans for CoRec basement are out to bid right now. Would also extend upper to add elevator and additional offices and will change front doors to be glass doors.
**I expressed concerned over this new info as at the last meeting when we discussed the CoRec basement plans we were told the additions wouldn't exceed $300,000. At the April 2nd meeting we were told the budget was raised to $400,000 to include this expansion on the upstairs. Bids should be available at our next Council meeting.

CM Jackman - Finance Committee met this morning to continue to work on FY 2014 budget.

CM Zappala - Animal Shelter board met and they are applying for a vaccination grant. They do not currently vaccinate animals that come in but this grant would allow them to do so. Work with different rescue groups to update agreements. Went to a training for those who serve on special district boards. BYU students have finished first version for budget app and he is working with Dax to link this to the website. This app will go back 10 years and allow residents to drill down to better obtain information.

CM Augustus - North Pointe Solid Waste meeting. Approved annual audit. Got new sales consultant and may be picking up new contracts. Talked about recycling options. Alpine is talking about pulling out of North Pointe as they feel fees are too high and service isn't what they want. This would raise rates for other cities that participate with North Pointe. Board is talking about assessing a fee for cities that leave the district. Alpine is looking at doing an opt-out recycling program.

Mayor Gygi - Will be moving April 16th Council meeting to the 23rd. Will also have Colleen set who will give prayer and say pledge for each meeting.

CM Martinez - Golf clinics starting up for youth and women. T-ball registration is open. Teen egg hunt and party were great. Kid egg hunt went too fast so we need more plastic eggs for next year. Family Festival committee was organized and we have several volunteers. This will take a lot of work off of staff and allow them to focus on recreation activities. Golf is going well and had a good March. Tot soccer is full and now have wait list. Will be at ULCT conference next week.

Review/Action on Refinancing Utility Bond
Mark Edminster presented. Resolution will finalize the refinance of the utility bond. Wells Fargo originally made proposal to lower interest rate from 5.99% to 3.02% for a period of 10 years, then would go to market rate. Council expressed concern that we are unsure about the future rate. Wells Fargo came back and is willing to refinance at 3.02% for the reminder of the bond, which is 16 years. Also, City is allowed to prepay 10% of the remaining principal balance each year with no penalty, so the City can use these savings to do this and reduce the life of the bond. Overall savings of refinancing this bond at the lower interest rate is $237,112.62. Tentatively scheduled to close this in April 16th. 2019 would be call date. Unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Boundary Adjustment (Earl Property)
Tabled as Earl family was not at meeting.

Review/Action on Boundary Adjustment (Flinders Property)
Flinders have asked that their property be boundary adjusted out of Cedar Hills and into Pleasant Grove. Intent is to subdivide the lot and develop the property, and sewer line has to go south through Pleasant Grove. Also needs water line to develop this and it can't happen through Cedar Hills because of where the lot sits. Property owner will be required to disconnect from Cedar Hills water and sewer. David Bunker feels this is the best option for this property owner due to utility issues and because he is already surrounded by Pleasant Grove homes. Unanimously approved.

Review/Action on Amendments to City Code Regarding Nuisances
Changes were made as suggested at last meeting with regards to pastures and open fields. Code enforcement officer will keep track of who is receiving violation notices. Unanimously approved.

FY 2014 Budget Presentation
10-year budget plan with new utility rates will have a deficit of $1.1 million through 2016, which will need to be covered with other funds. Right now we have a balance of $1.5 million in the water and sewer fund, some of which can be used to pay for these deficits. Some of the projects for 2014-2016 can also be delayed or paid with other funds. For example, the Canyon Road Sewer improvements can be partially paid for by Pleasant Grove if we do enter into an agreement that allows some of their residents to hook into our sewer system. Also, Canyon Road improvements cannot take place until the State gives jurisdiction of Canyon Road to the County, which they have not yet done. If we don't do this improvement in 2014 then we will have a positive cash flow of $80,000, which will be set aside for future years improvements. Some highlights for the Water & Sewer Fund for FY2014: 
  • Impact fees are being redone this year.
  • Line 51-73-330 shows $12,000 expense for an impact fee study to be performed. This should be done every five years and the last one was done in 2007.
  • Line 51-72-751 – curb maintenance will go under storm drain fund now, so this number went up but the sidewalk maintenance will go down as curb maintenance will no longer show on that line item.
  • Salaries show a decrease because 50% of the Public Works staff is paid by the Water, Sewer, and Storm Drain fund and 50% is paid from the General Fund. The General Fund cannot cover the other 50% this year due to a decrease in revenues so Public Works will not be able to hire an additional the full-time person this year.
  • Line 51-74-470 shows the expected increase in fees charged by TSSD.
  • Projections for next 10 years show we will have enough cash on hand to pay for infrastructure needs over that 10 year period. 

Discussion on Family Festival
Greg is meeting with Chair and Chair-elect on Thursday to give update on where things are and what still needs to be done.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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